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Yoga Tree Leeds​

Writer's pictureHelen

Yoga – The Spiritual Journey.

Updated: Aug 12, 2019

Learn off the mat, as yoga weaves its way in to your entire life.

If you come to yoga in an attempt to develop a thin, toned yoga body and to master a solid handstand, then yoga will firstly take you to the most superficial level of the practice. If you start your practice to improve and enjoy the health benefits, you will certainly feel better, stronger and have an increased level of energy; once you start to commit to a regular practice, once you start to notice the physical changes and benefits, then be prepared for other changes to start to take place on and off the mat.

If the reason for practicing yoga is to be more peaceful, happy, and create joy in your life then all the necessary lessons that lead to that result will become evident through the vehicle of the practice.

We are taught how to hold on to pleasure and attempt to eradicate sources of pain in a failed effort to keep the world at our ideal sweet spot. The reality of life is that no matter how much we try - this ‘reality’ is never ideal. There is almost always something that you would rather be without.

Pain can be where true learning occurs, it can be the door that unlocks a new pathway, a new journey. Aim to embrace the pain (not easy, I know!) stop talking about pain and discomfort; this will only feed it – what we feed will continue to grow.

Yoga is not about getting rid of the discomfort or attempting to control the environment; it is more about acceptance of self and our surrounding situations, this is where the ‘real’ mastery occurs. Yoga is about keeping your peace of mind regardless of whether you experience ease and flow or experience feelings of being stuck, overwhelmed, completely out of control. Trying to alter external situations is a losing battle, but gaining control of your own nervous system, over breath and stillness; this is something that you can truly master.

Start by rolling out your mat and taking a seat. Allow the magic to unfold; especially on days when it seems impossible, or just too difficult to get to your mat.

Put your practice at the top of your ‘to do’ list.

Start the journey!

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